Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

While taking a break from hiding chocolate coins in the house for the kids to find I came across this amazing website:  Inside each chocolate egg is a toy. Apparently these until recently were illegal to bring to the US. This even included a fine at the US/Canada border of $2500. This was based on a FDA law that non food items can not be in food items. Which totally makes sense when you dig deep and find out about sawdust in hamburger patties of the 1970's. It was also considered illegal because the toys inside the chocolate were not safe for those under 3. This is one of the largest selling candy products in the world and they have been working with the US to make them legal for sale. Finally we can catch up to the fun the rest of the world is having! I seriously need  these for Easter baskets. The dinosaur ones have tiny squeezable water shooters in them that are adorable and of course I'm sure my boys would like them too. I can see how cute a collection would be on a shelf by the bed of these little things and it comes with chocolate. Did I mention that this is a chocolate egg with a toy! People are brilliant to combine these in one item. (Nope not a paid mention just love this idea.)

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