SuperHero DIY

My boys love to be superheroes, these can be well known good guys such as Spiderman, Captain America, the Red Ranger or made up ones such as Super Hero Spy who also happens to be a lion and can perform magic. Whoever they are for the day they love to dress up in swirly capes complete with masks. I however do not really like buying these accessories but prefer to make them to each boys unique style. I am always on the look out for tutorials, patterns, and ideas to make them. Happy Creating!

Here is a listing of some of my favorites:

She includes a link for the pattern she used and a step by step tutorial for creating these gems from craft felt.
Here is a no sew tutorial for a super hero cape. It uses 1-1 1/2 yds. of knit fabric and a ribbon. I think I would change this one just a little by tying a knot in the ribbon at each side so it didn't pull out and instead of tying the ribbon I would attach Velcro on each side so I wouldn't worry about choking.
Here is a super easy pattern to knit a super hero hat perfect for winter and summer fun. Includes a tutorial. Perfect for a beginner too, knit in an easy rectangle and mattress stitched together.
She has amazing templates for superhero logos! She created them for the above bins but they could be attached to capes, t shirts, hoodies, jeans, and more.
Another of my favorite blogs featured this easy to make cape complete with tutorial and free pattern for sizes 2-6. She uses Velcro for easy closing and choke free fear (I always worry about this with things that tie on, could be because I have 4 boys and the things that I have seen them do give me the occasional nightmare).
Here is a site with amazing easy to follow face painting ideas for your superheroes.
Easy and inexpensive Jedi costume. May the Force Be With You
I know that I have more on my Pinterest page

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